August 22, 2015


In the very beginning of every successful venture, there must be time for concrete and pensive thoughts; there must be purposeful and deliberate reflections. Before the start of anything that will see the light of the day, there must be an answer to this question: Who Are You? This question should not be seen as directed to the originator of the idea alone; it should also be answered by the venture which is in mind. 
Unless you know who you are as an individual, your place among the other human beings might not be known. Unless you know your strengths and your weaknesses, you might perpetually be fighting a battle of self-identification by remaining in a spot without moving to the next level. And unless you spend your time on this subject of knowing who you are, you might not really know what you have and what you are meant to achieve or to accomplish as an individual.
In the beginning, what is your name? Don’t give a rush answer. It is not “what is your name?”, it is “what is in your name?”. you must know your name beyond the sound of it, you must make effort to know why you were given that name at birth; you must go all out to know the first bearer of that name and see why your dear parents choose to give you that name. Now, that is the beginning, and this beginning has nothing, really, to do with you. But now that you are the bearer of the name, now that you are the one in the middle of the ocean of knowing who you are, then you must also know what you bear. Your name is as important as your birth.
In another beginning, you should withdraw from your outside to your inside, to reach to that you that is inside of and bring out the whole of you. This is about knowing and identifying the creative power of your mind, the putting of your finger at that talent which came with you at birth, that unique identification tag that was given to you by the Almighty Creator to make you different and to help you accomplish the task for which you were made. In most cases, you might find out you have more than one talent, but quality time at knowing who you are in the inside, would reveal the most outstanding of all the talents; that is the one first attention must be given to, and others will follow suit.
Another beginning is to know your interests, and the additional power you must have acquired through education and experience. You must make use of the people, situations and activities that comes your way every day of your life. Nothing happens to you for the fun of it. Everything that has ever happened to you, and will happen to you; everyone that has ever come across your way and that will come across your way, will leave a mark in your heart – either for good or for bad. It is therefore your sole responsibility to turn the marks to your stepping stones, leading you to the peak of your life.
When you know who you are inside, you will know your purpose and your destiny; you will know every single step that will lead you to the peak in everything you set to be in life.


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